Join us for the 2024 Great Lakes District Annual Conference.
This year we’ll be at The Compass Church (Wheaton Campus). We hope you’ll be there with us as we move Forward. Together!
Don’t miss this pivotal moment in the Great Lakes District as we celebrate and honor the ministry of Rick Thompson as our GLD Superintendent and welcome our next District Superintendent. We’ll be meeting at The Compass Church in suburban Chicagoland. God has been faithful and is still at work—join us as we move Forward. Together!
After more than 20 years, Rick Thompson will be passing on the baton of leadership in the Great Lakes District. Join us as we honor and celebrate Rick’s faithful, fruitful, and dynamic ministry in the GLD!
Come hear from and connect with our Great Lakes District Superintendent Nominee! Don’t miss this pivotal moment in the history of the GLD.
Kevin Kompelien was elected president of the Evangelical Free Church of America in 2015. In the spring of 2024 he transitioned to President of Trinity International University. Kevin will be joining us to celebrate Rick’s ministry, welcome our new DS, and encourage us from God’s Word to keep moving Forward. Together!
For pastors who are new to the GLD. Must pre-register.
Celebration and appreciation of Rick Thompson’s ministry, including worship led by Derick, David, & Tiffany Thompson and a farewell message from Rick.
Annual Business Meeting of the GLD. During this time we will host an informal Q&A with Rick and the incoming District Superintendent.
Join us for our Dinner Celebration as we celebrate Rick Thompson’s ministry and welcome our new DS!
We’ll be led in worship by the team from Compass Church and hear from our new District Superintendent.
Connect in an affinity group with others serving in a similar ministry to your own. Scroll down for more info.
The Compass Church team will lead us again in worship before we hear from Kevin Kompelien, former EFCA President and current President of Trinity International University.
Enjoy lunch together with our new District Superintendent. This is a $10 add-on when you register. Must pre-register.
On Tuesday you’ll have an opportutnity to connect with and learn from others serving in a similar ministry to your own. Most groups will follow a peer-learning format.
Connect with other Pastors of GLD Churches under 200 in attendance. This group will focus on the unique challenges of shepherding a church under 200 in attendance. The vast majority of chruches in the U.S. are this size, making each a “normal” church!
Mark Burks
GLD Area Superintendent
Connecting Lead Pastors of mid-sized chruches (200-450), this group will focus on peer-learning. Topics and questions submitted by attendees shape the agenda. We believe the answer is in the room—we want to draw out the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of those attending.
Josh Weiland
Wawasee Bible
Designed for Lead and Executive Pastors in churches near or greater than 500 in weekly attendance, this group will explore topics and questions submitted by attendees. Learn from, encourage, and network with other leaders in a similar context of large-church ministry.
Darrell Cloud
The Compass Church
Ministry to Women is a vital part of any healthy church, especially when you consider that the majority of attendees at nearly every church in America are women! This group will guide and encourage other GLD leaders engaged with Ministry to Women.
Cyndi Leamon
GLD Ministry to Women
Come connect with other Student Ministry pastors and leaders in this affinity group. Our agenda will be driven by those in the room, discussing topics submitted by attendees on the unique challenges, frustrations, and joys of Student Ministry
Dan Sommer
EFCA Apex & GLD Student Ministries
Being married to a pastor carries with it many unique dynamics. Join other spouses of pastors in this affinity group for a time of learning, encouragement, and prayer for one another. We will also take some time to honor Jan Thompson and her ministry over the years in the GLD.
Kathy deBock & Tamra Barbieri
Wives of GLD Pastors
Come learn from leaders with EFCA Disabilitiy & Special Needs Ministry and connect with other GLD leaders serving and/or interested in disability & special needs ministry within their local church.
Jesse Frederickson
EFCA Disability & Special Needs Ministry
This group is open to full-time, part-time and volunteer worship pastors, directors and leaders in Great Lakes District churches. Creative, programming, and production team members are also welcome to attend.
Steve & Amy McCausland
GLD Area Superintendent
The challenges and rewards of leading minsitry in a multi-ethnic context are immense! Come connect with others doing the same and leave encouraged and built up. We’ll explore topics submitted by those in the room and learn from one another.
April Warfield
EFCA Director of Multicultural Ministries
Jonathan Pierson
Park Hills EFC
This group is designed for those leading and minsitering to children and families in the GLD. Jesus loved kids and so do we! Come learn from and connect with others serving in this vital area of ministry!
Sue Myroup
The Compass Church
Do you serve in some capacity on a church board? Come learn about the dynamics of church boards at various sizes of growth, how best to support and engage with your pastor, healthy relationships between board and staff, and more!
Gerhard deBock
Trinity Fellowship EFC (Big Rapids, MI)
If you are a new pastor to the GLD, join us for this informative pre-conference gathering. We’ll do our best to help you get a lay of the land and connect you with other leaders in our movement. We’ll even pay for your lunch!
When you register, please sign up for the New Pastors Pre-Conference. (And if you’re married, bring your spouse!)
This is an opportunity to get to know our new District Superintendent in a more relaxed and informal gathering as we share a meal together. We hope you can join us. There is an additional $10 charge to cover the cost of your meal. To attend, sign up for the After-Party Lunch when you register.
Register by September 1, 2024 for the best rate!
(Scroll down for hotel options.)
Register by September 1, 2024 for this rate. Registration cost includes access to all sessions, breakouts, and the Monday evening dinner celebration.
This rate takes effect after September 1, 2024. Cost includes access to all sessions, breakouts, and the Monday evening dinner celebration.
When you register, you’ll be able to add on childcare. The cost is $10 per child, but no more than $20 per family.
We’ve secured preferred rates at the hotels below using the information listed.
(Scroll up to the section above to register for the conference.)
28351 Dodge Dr | Warrenville, IL 60555
Full hot breakfast buffet included.
Group Code: 90U
1155 E Diehl Rd | Naperville, IL 60563
Breakfast NOT included.